视频去闪烁AE/PR插件 Flicker Free v1.1.8 Mac破解版


视频去闪烁AE/PR插件 Flicker Free v1.1.8 Mac破解版

由于我们肉眼和摄像几捕捉的光线频率不一样,所以我们有时候用摄像机捕捉的视频会出现光闪烁的现象,Digital Anarchy Flicker Free 插件能就能帮助我们弥补这一缺陷,能够很好的处理光闪烁的现象:光闪烁,延时拍摄闪烁,动态闪烁。解决做延时摄影或拍摄慢动作(高帧速率)视频产生的闪光。同时这也是非常有效的去除LED灯,电脑显示器或当有电气干扰时产生的闪烁。插件从分析画面的颜色和亮度从而计算匹配出平滑的视频图像。支持 4c V q T u nK。

Flicker Free is a powerful new way to deflicker video. It solves an issue that’s common for many types of fP s + ! Oootage, be it from ligY u G 6 1 R u 2 +hts/electricity and cameras being out of sync, time lapse or slow motion (high frame rate) video. It’s very effective at removing rolling flN 4 g V Jicker that occurs with LED & fluoresceB y V bnt lights or computer monitors.

Flicker Free was originan y ` g u 4lly dr Z b G o Jesigned to fix the flicker caused by varying exposurk & y E ) 9 4es in time lapse videography. However, once we developed it, wo i l f T [e discovered there are many reasons for flicker and that Flicker Free does a great job oS U Q –n most of them. HOME – ht& 4 N R P P d Xtps://digitalanarchy.com/Flicker/main.html

支持Mac系统: (兼容Big Sur,不支持M1芯片电脑)

Pren v % O U | Gmiere Pro CC, CC 21 # R014,2015,2017,2018,2019,202– z G v q E J0

After Effect CC, CC 2014,2? q n015,2017E 5 1,2018,2019,2020


视频去闪烁AE/PR插件 Flicker Free v1.1.8 Mac破解版

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