一套不断优化和逼真的3D植被(主要是树木和草丛)的图书馆。它具有各种树木,草,花卉,杂草,棕榈,多肉植物,灌木,杂草,植物和花盆,以实( r @ C现建筑可视化,环境设计,森林渲染,园林绿化或任何其他可能使用多种多样绿化的场景。还添加新功能,例如风吹动画,不同级别的细节,树木绘画等。
Tree library Botaniq is an ever-expanding library of optimized & realistic 3D vegetation – mostly trees and grass. It features a variety of Treg [ Q U ? 1 l Kes, Grass, Flowers, Weed,{ B & Palms, Succulents, Shrubs, Weeds, P` ^ W Jlants and Pots for Al , p . l T grchitectural Visualization, Environm1 i $ d _ – ^ Cental Design, Rendering Forests, Landscaping, or any other s. s * 6 lcenes that could use a bit of varied gh p J = Q p Mreenery.
支持 BlenderD 0 + # 6 X 2| = p R + Y A X Q.8, 2.81, 2.82, 2.83, 2.4 , 2 O @ n m9
Blender插件-花草树木植物绿化模型预设 BotaniqF c v R U w Tree And Grass Library V6