Electra是一个功能强大的Photoshop插件,用于生成电射线,雷电,电荷,电流等。Electra速度快,具有丰富的功能集,并且已完全集成到Adobe Photoshop中。
Electra is a pow( a n ! r ^erful Photoshop plugin for generating electric rays, lightning bolts, elec! D W H 1 z N ( ~trical charges, power currents and much more. Electra is fast,N f B @ C R = ` ^ pac1 t , { A Fks a rich feature-set and is fully-integ& 2 U ~rated wi2 = k a v ^ ? z 7thin Adobe Photoshop.
PS插件-能量电流射线雷电特效 Electra v1.0 Win